Tutorial/Frequently Asked Questions
Tap On A Heading Below To See Steps To Follow

Account Setup

How To Setup Accounts.
  1. Syllabux accounts is already setup for school use. However, you need to confirm that the setup is okay with you (e,g accounting year, currency etc.).
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounts setting.
  4. On the accounts settings page, confirm that the settings are all okay.
    The default settings is for Nigeria.
    In most cases, the settings are all okay except for the currency symbol, the sales tax percent and the sales tax deduction that may need to be changed to suit your country.
  5. Tap Save Changes button aftter you have made any desired modification.

Bank accounts and other books

How To Create Bank Accounts/Ledgers.
  1. This process is the same as creating accounting books/ledgers (See below). It is only listed here for familiarisation.
    Banks will be treated as any other account book from this point onward.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Books tab.
  5. Tap on Assets menu.
  6. Tap on Create Accounts button.
  7. Type the qty of bank account you want to create.
  8. Fill the Account name and Account description for each bank account.
  9. Tap on Save button.
  10. Wait for confirmation.
How To create accounting books/ledgers.
  1. Most commonly used ledgers for schools have already been setup in syllabux. However, with proper knowledge of accounts, you may decide to setup additional books.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Books tab.
  5. Tap on the menu item that corresponds to the type of accounting book you wish to setup i.e Assets, Equity, Expenses, Income and Liabilities.
  6. Tap on Create Accounts button.
  7. Type the qty of account books or ledgers that you want to create.
  8. Fill the Account name and Account description for each book/ledger.
  9. Tap on Save button.
  10. Wait for confirmation.
How To edit or delete accounting books/ledgers.
  1. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on Accounting.
  3. Tap on Books tab.
  4. Tap on the menu item that corresponds to the type of accounting book you wish to edt/delete i.e Assets, Equity, Expenses, Income and Liabilities.
  5. To delete a book,
    --tap on red Delete button that corresponds to the book.
    --Select how transactions linked to the book should be handled.
    --Tap on Delete button and wait for confirmation.
  6. To edit a book.
    --tap on blue Edit button that corresponds to the book.
    --Edit the name or description.
    --Tap on Update button and wait for confirmation.
Create, edit and delete customers.
  1. School customers are mainly made up of pupils and all pupils automatically report as customers.
    If your school does not have a non-pupil customer, then you will not need to create, edit or delete customers.
    If you have reasons to create customers, follow the instruction below.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Books tab.
  5. Scroll down and tap on the Customers button
  6. To create a customer,
    --tap on Create New Account button.
    --Type the qty of customers that you want to create.
    --Fill the Account name and Account description for each Customer.
    --Tap on Save button.
  7. To delete a customer,
    --tap on red Delete button that corresponds to the customer (Students cannot be deleted here).
    --Select how transactions linked to the customer should be handled.
    --Tap on Delete button and wait for confirmation.
  8. To edit a Customer.
    --tap on blue Edit button that corresponds to the customer (Students cannot be edited here).
    --Edit the name or description.
    --Tap on Update button and wait for confirmation.
Create, edit and delete vendors/suppliers.
  1. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on Accounting.
  3. Tap on Books tab.
  4. Scroll down and tap on the Vendors button
  5. To create a vendor,
    --tap on Create New Account button.
    --Type the qty of vendors that you want to create.
    --Fill the Account name and Account description for each vendor.
    --Tap on Save button.
  6. To delete a vendor,
    --tap on red Delete button that corresponds to the vendor.
    --Select how transactions linked to the vendor should be handled.
    --Tap on Delete button and wait for confirmation.
  7. To edit a vendor.
    --tap on blue Edit button that corresponds to the vendor.
    --Edit the name or description.
    --Tap on Update button and wait for confirmation.
See transactions that makes up a particular accounting book/ledger.
  1. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on Accounting.
  3. Tap on Books tab.
  4. Tap on the menu item that corresponds to the type of accounting book you wish to edt/delete i.e Assets, Equity, Expenses, Income, Liabilities, Customers and Vendors.
  5. Tap on the name of the particular book to see its transactions.

Perform Transactions

Post opening balances.
  1. Opening balance is the amount of funds in an account book at the time of setting up the account book.
    You will need to do this posting once per account book (At the time of adding the account book).
    You will not need to do this if the balance of that account is 0.
    If the balance of a book (Customer, bank account, vendor etc) is not zero at the time of setup, you should use the opening balances to post the balance before your accounting commences.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Transact tab.
  5. Tap on Opening Balances menu item.
  6. Tap on Quick guide button for a proper understanding of posting rules.
  7. Select the account book that you need to post opening balances for.
  8. Enter the opening balance amount (Follow the format in the quick guide).
  9. Type the date and the remarks.
  10. Tap the Post button.
  11. Wait for confirmation.
  12. To see records of opening balances that have been posted, tap the Show Openeing Balance button.
Post sales (customer Invoice).
  1. Sales resulting from student bills are posted automatically through the bills page and should not be reposted here manually.
    Please note that sales and customer deposit are not the same. A sales (Invoice) should always preceeds a customer deposit(Receipt).
    If you have reasons to post sales manually, follow the guide below.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Transact tab.
  5. Tap on Sales menu item.
  6. Select the customer and fill the total amount of the sales/service rendered.
  7. Select the date of the sales and type the remarks/memo/description of the sales.
  8. Tap on Post button and wait for confirmation.
  9. To see all previosly posted sales, tap on Show Invoices button.
Post Receipt (Customer deposit/Money received from customer).
  1. Receipt is posted when money is received from a customer (Student) for services rendered or services to be rendered.
    You will need to post receipt everytime a customer pays.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Transact tab.
  5. Tap on Receipt menu item.
  6. Select the customer and select the bank account that the customer paid into.
  7. Fill the total amount received from the customer.
  8. Select the date of receipt and type the remarks (e.g Payment on Account).
  9. Tap on Post button and wait for confirmation.
  10. To see all previosly posted receipts, tap on Show Receipts button.
Post Expense (Vendors Invoice/Suppliers Invoice).
  1. Expenses are posted to indicate a transaction for which the school owes a vendor/supplier.
    Expenses preceed payments to the vendor/supplier.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Transact tab.
  5. Tap on Expenses menu item.
  6. Select the vendor.
  7. Select the expense book/account/ledger that corresponds to the nature of the product/service consumed/to be consumed by the school.
  8. Fill the total amount owed to the vendor.
  9. Select the date of the expense and type the detailed remarks/description of the expense (e.g Order placed for sportwear from Syllabux designs).
  10. Tap on Post button and wait for confirmation.
  11. To see all previosly posted expenses, tap on Show Expenses button.
Post Payments (Payment to Vendor/Supplier).
  1. Payments are posted to indicate full or partial settlement of an expense (Vendor/Suppliers Invoice).
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Transact tab.
  5. Tap on Payments menu item.
  6. Select the vendor.
  7. Select the bank account you paid from.
  8. Fill the total amount paid to the vendor.
  9. Select the date of the payment and type the detailed remarks/description of the payment (e.g 2nd payment for sportwear from Syllabux designs).
  10. Tap on Post button and wait for confirmation.
  11. To see all previosly posted payments, tap on Show Payments button.
Post Customer Discounts.
  1. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on Accounting.
  3. Tap on Transact tab.
  4. Tap on Journal menu item.
  5. Select the date of the discount and type the detailed remarks/description of the discount.
  6. Leave No of outflow/withdrawal accounts as 1.
  7. In the Outflow From field, select the student to be granted discount.
  8. In the Outflow Amount field, type the total discount amount (e.g 1000.00, Not percentage).
  9. Leave No of inflow/deposit accounts as 1.
  10. In the Inflow To field, select the sales account/ledger (Default is SALES INCOME).
  11. In the Inflow Amount field, type the total discount amount, same as Outflow Amount (e.g 1000.00, Not percentage).
  12. Tap on Post button and wait for confirmation.
  13. To see all previosly posted journal entries, tap on Show Entries button.

Financial Reports

Financial Reports.
  1. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on Accounting.
  3. Tap on Reports tab.
  4. Select the report you wish to see on the menu of reports displayed..

Year End Wizard

Close Accounting Period
  1. Usually there is no need to close a fiscal year exactly at the end of the last accounting period.
    Syllabux allows you to keep several years worth of transactional data open and accessible at any one time.
  2. From your school menu, tap on Accounts tab.
  3. Tap on Accounting.
  4. Tap on Reports tab.
  5. Tap on Period End Wizard menu item.
  6. Tap on Close Books/Accounting Period menu item.