Frequently Asked Questions
Tap On A Heading Below To See Steps To Follow
How To Install Syllabux App and Register as a parent.
  1. Go to to download the correct app for your device (Mobile, Laptop or Desktop).
    Or you may go to Google PlayStore Or Apple AppStore on your device and search for "Syllabux"
  2. Search for the Syllabux App and install it on your device.
  3. After installing Syllabux app on your device, launch the app.
  4. Tap Proceed as a parent button.
  5. Tap Register to create an account.
  6. Fill all the registration fields and upload a photo of yourself.
  7. Submit the registration form and follow the instructions.
How To Login.
  1. Launch the Syllabux app on your device or
    visit and select Login from the menu.
  2. Select A Responsibility As A Parent
  3. Type the email and password that you registered with and press Submit or Login button.
How To Add Your Child.
  1. Launch Syllabux app and proceed as a parent
    Or visit and proceed as a parent.
  2. Select the Add New or Add My Child tab.
  3. Enter the code that you received from your child's school.
  4. Tap On Join School button.
  5. Wait for confirmation that your child has been Added Successfully.
How To Check classroom Activities of your Child.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Activity Timeline menu item.
  4. Classroom activities of your Child becomes visible. You can scroll up or down to see more.
  5. Tap on Menu button to go back.
Send messages to Your child's teacher/school.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent
  2. Select Your Child.
  3. Tap on Messages menu item.
  4. Tap on the Compose button.
  5. Type your message and attach image file if there's any
  6. Tap Send
How to check your child's attendance records.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Attendance Report menu item.
  4. Feel free to scroll up or down on the attendance report page as required.
  5. Tap Menu button to go back.
Check the School Calendar.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on School Calendar menu item.
  4. School Calender is displayed.
  5. The days in blue are the days the school opens. The dates that are blinking have events associated with them.
  6. Tap on The blinking dates to check the associated event.
Check if your child has Interactive Assignment.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Interactive Assignment menu item.
  4. On the assignment page, tap On The Start button below any specific assignment to start a game or play a video.
Check if your child has CBT Assignment.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on CBT Assignment menu item.
  4. If there are any CBT assignments, they will be displayed on the CBT page.
  5. Tap On The Start Botton below any displayed assignment that you wish to take and follow the instructions.
How To Check Report Cards.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Report Cards menu item.
  4. All available report cards are displayed.
  5. Identify the report card you need and tap on its corresponding Download PDF button.
How to check transaction history and download receipts.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Transaction History menu item.
  4. Your transaction history/Statement of Account is displayed.
  5. To download a receipt for any particular payment, locate the payment in the statement of account and tap Download Receipt.
How to check outstanding bills.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Bills menu item.
  4. On the bills page, there are compulsory bills and there are optional bills.
  5. Tap the optional headings (if any) to select your service preferences for your child.
  6. Tap the Submit button at the bottom to submit the bill for the School's processing
How To Check Upcoming Birthdays and send birthday wishes on behalf of your child and your family.
  1. Login to Syllabux as a parent.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Tap on Birthdays menu item.
  4. Tap A celebrant's Name To Send Them Birthday Wishes by sms, whatsapp or email.
  5. Remember to introduce yourself in the wishes.